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Peace of Mind Canada

"Only now do I realize that my life changed twice in the past sixteen months. First unknowingly during the war, though then I had thought that it was normal to be constantly tense, and second during the workshop where I gained a perspective on how to continue with the rest of my life."

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Peace of Mind is a transformative nine-month therapeutic intervention that offers a profound healing experience for IDF veterans. Led by specially trained therapists from METIV: The Israel Psychotrauma Centre, our program gives veterans the opportunity to individually and collectively navigate and heal from their combat experiences. Jewish communities worldwide play a key role in providing a safe, quiet, and supportive environment for one week where the participants can process their trauma away from the pressures of daily life in Israel. The veterans emerge with strengthened emotional and mental health, which allows them to lead healthier and happier lives.

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A charitable tax receipt is issued for all donations (CRA# 816109441 RR0001)



"These are the soldiers who give Israel peace of mind.

So friends, it is our duty to help them find their peace of mind"


Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks z'l


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